Who comes to therapy?
Most of our clients are ordinary, sane individuals in pain or turmoil, trying to understand and cope with personal, family, and societal issues.
A person may seek therapy for themselves or a loved one because:
- It has become difficult to cope with one of life’s changes, for example, a divorce, a move, a health crisis, a new school or job, a new marriage, or having a child.
- A child is having difficulty managing his or her behavior at home, or school, or both. The child may be angry or aggressive, or just not do what adults tell him or her to do.
- A marriage is in crisis, or just not as close as it used to be.
- A child isn’t living up to his or her academic potential in school. Or, an adult isn’t performing as well in life as he or she should be.
- A child or adult feels depressed and can’t seem to “snap out of it.”
- A child or adult is feeling nervous or anxious too often, either about something specific or just in general.
- A person can’t shake a particular addiction, whether it be drugs or food or exercise, or a particular habit such as hair pulling or hand washing.
- Parents may want advice and suggestions about handling a difficult or “different” child.
Individuals seeking therapy have different kinds and degrees of psychological discomfort. What they have in common is that they often feel like what they’re doing now isn’t working. New perspectives, tools and strategies are needed to produce different outcomes.
February 2, 2015 2823 Psychology
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