Tuesday, March 11 2025

When you call San Diego Psychological Center, Inc., our front office staff will answer your call. We are available to take your call all day, seven days a week. If we do not answer, we are assisting someone else at that moment and you will be directed to our voicemail system. We are always available to assist with any and all insurance questions, scheduling, billing concerns, and any other questions related to counseling services.

We make every effort to take your call during office hours; however, if you are directed to our voicemail system, please leave your name and the telephone number you can be reached. We will return your call as soon as possible. Once we connect with you, we will ask you for several pieces of information to assist you in getting you connected to the best therapist/counselor/Psychiatrist for your situation.

We will work to find the first available appointment that matches your schedule and that of our clinician. If you are in need of immediate help, please tell us during your initial phone call and you will be seen as soon as possible.

We will review the following information with you during your call:

  • In general terms, why are you seeking counseling? (We want you to have a therapist/counselor who is an expert in your area of concern.)
  • Are there limitations as to when you can schedule an appointment? For example, will you need a daytime appointment, evening appointment, or weekend appointment?
  • If you are planning on using your health insurance benefit, please have your insurance information available. Also, see the list of insurance companies we are contracted with and that reimburse for counseling services provided at our office. Be aware that some clinicians are not in-network with all insurance companies listed.
  • If you are paying out of pocket, we will also discuss fees for each therapist/counselor.

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